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   2022-06-07 互联网综合消息


发言人Aasem Jehad表示,产量将以每天7万桶的速度增长,并指出欧佩克+的决定涉及产量而非出口。









郝芬 译自 油气新闻网


Iraq's oil output to hit 4.580mbpd as of July

Iraq's oil output will reach 4.580 million barrels per day as of July following an Opec+ decision to increase production, an Iraqi Oil Ministry spokesperson said, according to the state news agency.

"Production increase will be at a rate of 70,000 bpd," spokesman Aasem Jehad said, noting that the OPEC+ decision concerns production not exports.

Opec+ said on Thursday it had agreed to boost output by 648,000 bpd in July - or 0.7 per cent of global demand - and a similar amount in August versus the initial plan to add 432,000 bpd a month over three months until September.

In May, Iraq said it would boost its oil production to 6 million barrels per day (mbpd) by the end of 2027. But an even overly optimistic target is 8 mbpd by the end of 2029.

In an interview with OGN energy magazine, Ihsan Abdul Jabbar Ismaael, Iraq’s Minister of Oil, said the targets were achievable, and added the negative environment surrounding the oil and gas industry that had once held back investments are now over and indicated moving towards increasing capacity.

Iraq, the second largest producer in the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) group, has struggled to maintain its production quota under an Opec+ agreement.

In April, Iraq's Opec+ quota rose to 4.414 mbpd from 4.370 mbpd in March.

Ismaael attributed the shortage to industry maintenance in the country for the last three to four months, but said production levels are now back to normal. 'We supplied 120 per cent of our quota in April, and we expect to reach 98-100 per cent in May,' he told OGN at the 29th Annual Middle East Petroleum & Gas Conference held in Bahrain in May.

Ismaael anticipates a spare capacity of 200,000 bpd next year.

As a group, he said Opec was doing its best to meet demand and would accelerate investment to ramp up supply.

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